The Ministry of Charm

22 March 2016, Comments Comments Off on The Ministry of Charm

Mind your manners with help from the Ministry of Charm

At The Ministry of Charm we believe a happy disposition, politeness and good manners build confidence and charm, and can and do make a difference.

Nowadays, so many young people have grown up with little idea of how to behave with grown ups, with the opposite sex, or even with their friends. Good manners – respect for others – seem to be scarce.

So we are now running informal workshops for young people where they can learn the social skills that will give them confidence when they go out into the wider world. All in a fun and friendly environment.

Our children will be competing with those from the rest of the world, not just their neighbours or school friends. Many of their contemporaries from Asia and other developing nations have been brought up in an environment where respect and good manners are instilled in them from a very early age. This can give them an employment advantage over our children unless we build in them a sense of self worth, which leads to self confidence and on to effective charm.

Release your potential and stand out from the crowd

We are running two day workshops, helping young people to understand and develop modern English manners and social etiquette to provide them with life skills for the modern world so that they will come away with a positive attitude, improved manners and social and conversational skills for all environments and their future careers. When to leave that mobile phone. Engaging in conversation. Perfect table manners. Entering a room with confidence. Introductions. Nail that interview.

- From ages 9-13. 14-17 and 18-21
- Guest speakers including After Dinner Speaker of the Year
- Fashion shows. Casual chic for the young man
- Opera, introduction to classical music . Learn to dance.
- And so much more.

The Ministry of Charm has plans underway to expand this nationally. We have also had inquires from as far afield as Malta, New York and Cape Town.

Our workshops will be informative, educational and fun, with photographs and certificates to take away

Please look at our website for more details or telephone 07467 222496.

The Ministry of Charm is founded by Belinda Maxwell Lewis and Elizabeth Gardner-Watson.

Charm - The New Superpower

07467 222496

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